Art Alchemy Studio

Mixed Media Art by Chaska Peacock

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Art Doll

This is Agatha Aqua who made her debut at the Bunkhouse Gallery Show.  She did not go to a new home but other dolls did.  Several Spirit Boxes also went to new homes!  Unfortunately, I was not present at the time and so know nothing about their new owners.  

As I write this, I feel quite crazy because I'm thinking that for me, this was the perfect show.  I received many compliments, including from artists whose work I admire, I had good sales, but still got to bring back enough of my favorite pieces.  I question my sanity because my delight in keeping them and in selling them are equally balanced.  Perhaps, this is because I now spend more time as a holistic coach than as an I have less time for art.




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